Cleaning of Personal Belongings
7/17/2018 (Permalink)

Can Sewage Damaged Personal Belongings be Cleaned?
Depending on the Type of Material of the Personal Belongings affected by Sewage Water can determine if it can be Salvaged or not. When Cleaning Belongings affected by Sewage you want to make sure it can be completely cleaned and decontaminated.
Usually any materials that are Porous cannot be Cleaned and Sanitized. Some Porous Materials include Fabrics, Papers, Cardboard's and Untreated Woods. The Porous Materials can soak in the Sewage Water and hold onto any Bacteria's that are found in the Sewage.
Fortunately there are Non- Porous Materials that can be Treated, Cleaned and Sanitized when affected by Sewage Water. Non- Porous Materials like Glass, Metals, Plastics and Varnished Woods can be decontaminated.